Uh-oh! We don't have this lesson in the dialect. It has been replaced with the East dialect.

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Shash a tshin tshitshi kushpipatan?

Have you ever been out in the woods in a wheeled vehicle?

Mitshet aueshishat, tshuapamauauat a?

Do you see many animals?

Eshe nuapamauat nanikutini, pepamuteiani anite shakaikanit.

Yes, I see them from time to time, when I walk on the [frozen] lake.

Ume anutshish pishimᵘ, nishkat mitshet uapamakanuat.

This month [May] we see many Canada geese.

Ekᵘ anitshenat amishkuat kie atikuat, tshuapamauat a?

What about beavers and caribou, do you see any?

Eshe, uemut uin, mitshetuau kie.

Yes, of course, several times too.

Eukuan kanapua, tshima minupanin tshe kashikat.

Okay then, I hope you'll have a good day today.

Minuenitakuan anite nutshimit, niminuenimun etaiani.

It's good to be out in the bush, I feel good when I'm there.

Kie nin, nasht apu tshekuan mamitunenitamikuian.

Me too, nothing bothers me.

Anumat mitshet nuapamananat.

We see several.

Iame uenapissish.

See you soon.

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